On Saturday morning, my family lost an old friend. Milo, our dog, died of natural causes. This was a rough year for him as his health was failing and was having some seizures. My mother was relieved that I was able to make it home before he died.
Milo was a fun loving and very well behaved dog. He was liked by all the people who visited our home.
I lost a dog that I had since I was 5 yrs old. I know what a crappy feeling that is.
My cat is growing sick that i've had since I was 5 years old and doesn't have much longer. As I am trying to prepare myself for the day he leaves us, I know it will be upsetting as I am sure it is for you.
I'm sorry for your loss and yes, Milo was very well liked. Such a cutie as the other two are.
I feel for ya bro...that's how I felt when we lost our Rotti Chester.
Awww, animals can sometimes be the hardest to lose.... I'm sorry, but I do have to crack up thinking of Joel's stories of taking care of that dog when you were in Iraq.
Sorry to hear of your recent tragedy, but it's good to know you're still out there. --your friendly neighborhood combat engineer
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