Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life Lessons

Through my life, I have always tried to find an older man to be a close friend to me because well, I never really had a father around. Unfortunately, in recent years, I have been unable to find someone that I could rely on to be there for me when I have questions or problems. With this realization, I believe that God has put certain people in my life to help me through certain problems that I have to deal with. Sometimes these people are just brief moments in my life and other times I have found some truly unique and lifelong friendships. In any case, I find myself just amazed sometimes of what I have learned from them and what I learned about myself that I could not do on my own. I believe that with almost everyone I meet, I can learn something from them and I hope to continue to do so.

I think I am in need of a major change in my life and I’m not quite sure how I am going to go about doing this because recently I have been living a very stale life. I have done a number of things with my college experience that I love, but I believe that God has something a lot more in store for me if I would only step up to the plate. I need to talk to someone and I don’t know how I am going to do that.


StormICQ said...

I know exactly what your saying. About a month ago I tried to tell my pastor how everyone I meet inspires me and I get something from every person I meet or see (even the shop attendant) I was surprised that he didnt get it. He said to me I enspire him and he has a lot to learn from me since he often cant see the value of some people. But I do! Everyone even strangers are valueable to me.

I cant help you with the changes you may need in your life but Im sure you will be guided to the right places.
If you ever want to chat check me on myspace.

Anonymous said...

I had been sort of "watching" this woman at my church for about 6 months (to see what kind of woman she was like) before I approached her about discipling me. I have to say it's been an awesome experience! She has really challenged me and I've grown so much spiritually and personally because of it. It took some time though, of observing her and getting the courage up to ask her to disciple me. People are so busy, as you know...but how else are we to grow?

I'd encourage you to observe some of the christian men in your circle - either at church or in your locale - and pray for God to provide a mentor for you. Pray for wisdom and discernment and a specific thing in your life you want to work on, so when you do approach them you have something specific - for me it was pride. We meet once every other Sunday evening for an hour and discuss a book that we're reading (first it was Pride and Humility but Stuart and we've moved on to Surrender by Nancy DeMoss.) It helps to guide our conversation and in the meantime has developed a friendship - I've been invited to their house for dinner and a party, etc.

Anyway, that was a long way to say - the desire is there obviously...pursue it. You're a marine, you'll find it. - Candice

Unknown said...

I agree completely with this one. I live by those same lessons. I think God put us in each other's lives to learn from each other to be honest. I have no idea what the road holds but i know you have taught me alot and I hope that i have taught you somethings too. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me James

sandra said...

Hello James,
Cpl. David"Bear"Stewart was behind the gun on the Track blown up August 3, 2005. Last night(Jan. 7 2008) I somehow found your site. I had seen pictures of the Amtrak before, but not the one you posted. I struggle every day with the loss of my son and there are times when I am like a moth to a flame, just looking for words that tell what my boy's life was like through the words of others. It is painful to see the Track but on the other hand, it is comforting to know that from what witnesses say, he did not suffer. I am glad you are home and I thank you for your service. Sandra, Bears Mama