Tuesday, November 23, 2004


I can happily say that I beat minesweeper on expert after 334 seconds. This tremendous feat took me several years and countless hours, but at the end, I stand as the victor.

AE Retreat

Last weekend, Alternative Edge youth ministries held its annual retreat. This year was another great year for the youth group to bond and get real with God. I had the opportunity to get to know some of the youth that I didn't really know before the retreat. I think that the whole youth group got to know me as well, especially when I was "the Marine." I think this is the first year that I felt like a bad guy or a parent. I hate to feel that way and to have to keep on saying don't do that, get your legs off him, don't throw pens at people with the mic, be quiet, ok shut up, etc... Oh, and the trash that was left everywhere outside; it was bad. A camp employee stopped me and told me about it and I did not like to hear it because it does not look good for us.

Well, besides that, it wasn't all that bad. I had a good time and was able to get away for a bit. I jogged through the woods and was able to check out a lot of the camp that I never have seen before. It was very nice and peaceful, just the quiet stir of the wind through the woods. I know that there were some bonds broken during Saturday night’s service. Josh took the mic and just spoke some great things to the teens to let go and give it to God. He had them write down their problems and addictions on a sheet of paper. Afterwards, we burned it. Some relationships were healed as well.

I was able to lay some things before God that have been bothering me lately. Mainly worries about my future and what’s in store for me. Hopefully this won’t be my last retreat.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I am happy to report that as of 0230 this morning, I beat Halo2 on heroic. Man, I thought it was never to end. There were some tight spots that I thought I would never get through. I tell you what, the ending was kinda left open; hinting for a Halo 3, but I don't think that will happen because it took like 4 years for Halo 2 to come out. In another 4 years, I'm sure the XBox will be outdated and there will be another line of systems out.
For you guys (and I guess some girls play), Halo 2 offered some great soundtracks for combat, large and impressive level design, and some really challenging, but not impossible, missions. I just wish they didn't end it like they did; guess I might read the books.

Go Hard or Go Home
Out Here

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Last Day of School

Well, today was the last day of school for me. I finished my last exam around 6:30PM with a 100% on the exam. A nice way to end the quarter and in case you are wondering how I got a 100%, let's just say that I know how to get information. No, I didn't cheat either. I almost made it to Junior status; 3 credits short. I am just glad to get virtually all my core business classes taken out of the way and now to start learning some in depth and meaningful financial information. But of course, all of that will have to wait till 2006 when I can go back to school at the ripe age of 25 as the weird old guy. Speaking of age, today is my 24th birthday as well. Thank you everyone for making it a nice day.
I haven't really given any thought of what goals that I want to get done before my next birthday. There are some plans I laid out a few years ago about what I want to have accomplished before by the age of 25. By the way things are looking, I will be completely outta credit card debt and have my car paid off. So, that would just leave student loans. I will be happy when I can do that. Also, I wanted to get a Trans Am by 25. I don't know if I will do that because my thinking has changed about my use of income and how I can better myself with a little self-control and discipline. Time will tell of course.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Remember Names

Almost everyone experiences some difficulty remembering people's names--somtimes only seconds after being introduced. The main reason for this name-memory challenge is that often we are not fully paying attention--we are hearing, but not truly listening. Fortunately, for those who take solace in being "good with faces," there are many easy-to-learn strategies to make remembering names easy.

It is helpful to repeat the person's name during initial conversation, or to comment on how the person reminds you of someone else you know of the same name. If a person has a complicated or unfamiliar name, you might ask how to spell it. Sometimes just visualizing an image of the name spelled out will fix it into your memory. Using a person’s name when saying goodbye will also help secure it into your memory bank.

Perhaps the most effective method for remembering names and faces uses three basic memory skills I call Look, Snap, and Connect. First, make sure you consciously listen and observe the name (Look). Then create a mental snapshot (Snap) of the name and the face. Finally, Connect the name snap with the face snap.

To create a visual Snap for the face, pick out a feature that may be easy to remember. Simply look at the person’s face and search for the most distinguishing feature—for example, a small nose, large ears, unusual hair, or deep wrinkles. Often the first outstanding feature you notice is the easiest to recall later.

In creating a Snap for the name, note that all names can be placed into two groups: those that have a meaning and invoke a visual image, and those that don’t. Names like Carpenter, Kratz, House, Bishop, Siegel, White, or Silver all have a meaning and can readily bring to mind an image. After meeting Mrs. Siegel, think of a seagull.

Other names that have no immediate meaning may require additional mental effort to remember. However, the names or the syllables and sounds within them can be associated with a substitute name or sound that does have a meaning. By linking these substitute words together, you can create a visual image that works. Sometimes we can break a name into syllables that contain meanings, and link them afterward. For example, the name George Waters could be remembered through an image of a gorge with a stream of water rushing into it. The word or syllable substitutes do not need to be exact. Jane Shirnberger could be a chain draped over a shined shoe that steps on a burger. I sometimes prefer seeing a famous person with the same name. So Jane Shirnberger becomes Jayne Mansfield wearing shined shoes and eating a burger.

In the final step, you Connect the name to the face by creating a mental image involving both your visual snapshots: the Snap for the distinguishing facial feature and the Snap for the name. For example, if Mrs. Beatty has prominent lips, an effective face snap for her might be her lips, and the name snap might be an image of Warren Beatty. Connect them by visualizing Warren Beatty kissing her on the lips (but don’t tell Annette Bening about this).

The images and substitute words need not be perfect. The process of thinking up the images and making the connections will fix them into memory so you never forget a name and face again.

Written by Gary Small
The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do
Created by Samantha Ettus

Halo 2

Well, after a few hours of playing my new game, I think they did a pretty good job. It looks a lot better, better vehicles, and great sound. I don't think I like the new interface when setting up a game. Plus, there are a lot of customizing that you can do; which I really don't care too much about but someone probably does. The new weapons are a bit different. Like the battle rifle, I think that weapon sucks. Oh, the whole thing about not having any health, just shields, I don't like. I find myself dying a lot during the campaign cause my guy can only take a few shoots then must run a seek cover to recharge. Well, I am not a man that likes to leave the heat of combat to worry about recharging shields. I do think that the ability to kick out an opponent from his/her vehicle and then take charge of it yourself was a great idea. Overall, it is a good game, but I think all the hype that went into it was a bit extreme.

Monday, November 08, 2004

279th Marine Corps Birthday

November 10, 1775 is the birth date of my beloved Marine Corps. On Saturday, we celebrated the occasion with our annual ball. It is always a nice time. See everyone in their dress blues, the ladies wear dresses, and we get to hear a guest speaker of some magnitude. 2 years ago, I got to meet a medal of honor recipient. This year, I got to meet the commanding general of 4th Marine Division, the one I am in, Lieutenant General McCarthy. He is a nice old man, as most generals are I suppose. The best part of the night has to be when I get to see some of the older and higher ranked Marines out on the dance floor and they are attempting to do the electric slide; it is quite humorous.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Another One Bites the Dust

Sweet sweet victory for America. Oh yes, President Bush has 4 more years! He got more votes than any other President has ever got before. That says something about this country and what the majority stands for. Sorry liberals, your man bites the dust. All your hollywood friends and musicians couldn't tell people who to vote for. By the way, if you want to leave the country over this election: first, you are dumb and second, I will try and help you as much as I can.
Anyone who wants to see the county break down for the whole country, then go here: http://www.newsmax.com