Thursday, November 18, 2004


I am happy to report that as of 0230 this morning, I beat Halo2 on heroic. Man, I thought it was never to end. There were some tight spots that I thought I would never get through. I tell you what, the ending was kinda left open; hinting for a Halo 3, but I don't think that will happen because it took like 4 years for Halo 2 to come out. In another 4 years, I'm sure the XBox will be outdated and there will be another line of systems out.
For you guys (and I guess some girls play), Halo 2 offered some great soundtracks for combat, large and impressive level design, and some really challenging, but not impossible, missions. I just wish they didn't end it like they did; guess I might read the books.

Go Hard or Go Home
Out Here

1 comment:

Joel said...

What's with your that is original...
you were just critisizing it the other day...stealing from you CO again!