Saturday, October 22, 2005

Trouble Sleeping

One of the things I've been have trouble with lately is my sleep. This was never a problem while I was in Iraq, but now that I home I find it hard to sleep but 1-2 hours before I wake up. I usually just lay there and then fall back to sleep to only be awoken a couple of hours later. The reason for this is probably due to the amount of security/fire watch that we had to do during the night when we occupied buildings in Iraq. You could only get a few hours of sleep in before it was your turn to due an hour or more of watch. Now this makes it difficult to get a full night of sleep and makes me feel very groggy during the day. At the same time, I occasionally have some bad dreams involving combat related events.

I've talked with some of the other Marines and find this to be somewhat common occurrence. That makes me feel a little better and I believe with a little bit of time, things will eventually go back to normal for me.

Also, I wanted to take the time to give a thank you to Chugach Man, from Flickr, for giving me a 1 year Flickr Pro account. This will allow me to keep all of my pictures that I have posted this year and to contiune posting numerous pictures in the future with few limitations. So, take the time to view his work and leave a comment or two for him.

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