Thursday, December 16, 2004

Combat Life Saver

I am now a certified combat life saver compliments of the Marine Corps. It was a very fast paced and very informational 3 days. Now, we just lack the practical application of it all, which is supposed to take place when we are in 29 Palms. One thing I didn't care too much about the class was all the horrific pictures of troops and other people having suffered from war and such. I saw some really jacked up people, like this one guy was blown up by a pipe bomb and he really no longer had a body; more like a dozen pieces. Oh, and seeing someone who took a shotgun to their head wasn't too pretty either. On the good side of things, I feel more confident in my first aid abilities and hopefully won't have to use it, but if I do, I know what to do. This marks then end of my annual training for this fiscal year. I don't want to learn anything else for awhile.

On a nice little side note; thanks for the Marine Corps for giving me a flu shot last week. Now, I feel like crap and can't stop coughing, sneezing, and really just don't feel all that great. Another quick little bit of information, I finally got DSL hooked up at my house. Now I can take advantage of the full potential of the internet and play XBox Live. Too bad I only got 18 days left. (Look for Columbus, OH)

1 comment:

Joel said...

My guess is that they wanted to show you pics of such graphic proportions to harden you so when you come across that in the field and have to save someone's life, you don't pass out or start vomiting. Unfortunately, pics will never say words for the smell and intensity of the moment...word to the wise: don't let yourself become calloused to the pain, death, and destruction.